What Areas Are You Sowing In Today?

In the midst of coaching members of my business team this past
week and a half, two factors have repeatedly come to the surface
that are key to creating new and desirable results in our lives.
As I’ve percolated on these keys and just finished enjoying some
raisins with my 21 month old daughter, I had the inspiration to
write them for you here:

1) Decide what you want

2) Sow in the areas that are important to you with intention
every day.

Maybe it’s a relationship with God, your family, or someone else in

The image that comes to mind is of colorful jars or containers –
and each day you get to choose which ones you open and give some
attention – which ones you sow into each day.

If we’re not intentional, then what’s most urgent and demanding, or
what’s most familiar based on past patterns and habits, can get all
of our time and attention.

But if we realize we want to sow something different today, we can
specifically set aside time to sow into the areas we’re choosing
intentionally today.

It might be a 10 minute walk to commune with God or nature or simply
get some mental space and clarity.

It may be reading a story to our kids, or taking a break and having
a conversation with someone that’s important to us.

And it may be taking a new step in your business or professional
pursuits that’s a bit challenging, even a bit scary, but also
exciting and potentially very rewarding.

Take a chance.

Take a step.

Be deliberate.

And choose what “jars” you’re sowing into today.

To your freedom, prosperity, and joy!

Dr. Ben

P.S. I think I’ll take a quick walk up the hill and then enjoy some
lunch with my family 🙂

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

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